Hyperplasia is actually the increase of cells. When the word 'verrucous' is attached to 'hyperplasia', it means a tumour like growth that is caused by increase in the number of cells. The basic result of verrucous hyperplasia might be the gross enlargement of an organ. The cells which cause verrucous hyperplasia are very much like the normal cells, but their increase in number is somewhat abnormal.
Causes of Verrucous Hyperplasia vary greatly. It can be anything like response for chronic inflammation, malfunctioning of hormones or even compensation for any damage or disease in some part of the body.
In general, Verrucous Hyperplasia is harmless and they occur on particular tissues only. Secretion of milk as the response to pregnancy is also a type of hyperplasia, but when it is Verrucous Hyperplasia, it obviously means a tumorous growth in some part of the body. Most of the tumours are harmless, but if they are left untreated, serious problems may occur.
As said, most tumours are harmless, which means, they are non-cancerous. Affects of the tumours on the body actually depend on the location where the tumour starts to grow. If it grows externally, it becomes disturbing both for sight and feeling. Internal tumours do not create much adverse affect on the patient at the beginning, but as they cannot be felt or identified from the beginning, treatments are not done. This may lead to serious problems in future.
There is not enough evidence that show Verrucous Hyperplasia as a disease runs on families. The malfunctioning of the cell division process gives rise to these tumours and these malfunctioning can be triggered by genetic as well as environmental factors.
It is possible for children to get affected by Verrucous Hyperplasia as excess cell growth can take place at any age.
As said earlier, Verrucous Hyperplasia is nothing but excess growth of cells resulting in formation of tumours. It can occur in any part of the body. Most common types of this condition are Atypical ductal hyperplasia, which is the abnormal production of cells in the duct system of the breast. It occurs in females only. Women having this condition face higher risks of developing breast cancer. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia occurs in men and involves congenital deficiencies in certain enzymes and results in abnormalities in the production of hormones. The abnormal thickening of the uterine lining is termed as endometrial hyperplasia and results in vaginal bleeding. If left untreated, endometrial hyperplasia is sure to result in endometrial cancer. Oral Verrucous Hyperplasia is also very common.
Surgery is the basic and most fruitful treatment of Verrucous Hyperplasia. Complete removal of the extra cells brings the body to normalcy and removes all the risks of formation of cancer in future. However, surgery cannot prevent further cell growth and thus medications are also necessary. In some cases chemotherapy is also applied to stop the cell growth.
Verrucous Hyperplasia is not caused by any external factor and thus prevention is not possible. All a person can do is to consult a physician in case any abnormal growth in the body is noticed. If the growth occurs internally, it becomes really hard to identify the condition at early stages.